We are a church that teaches, Counsel and lives the truth in love

to help people and their families put God

in the center

Planting Family

My name is Jairo Suarez. I am 37 years old and have been married to Jennifer Alsina for 13 years, with whom I have two children: Martín, eight, and Juan Diego, six.

Pastoral Team:

Jairo Suárez

Andrés Zuleta

César Gómez

Rodney Obregón

Efrén Giraldo

Alejandro Mesa

Alegandro Mesa




Our affirmations

Our allies in ministry

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Average of about

500 congregants

Official membership about

250 people

4 full-time


There are in service

2 Lay elders

El Redil del Sur Baptist community began in 2012 with the intention of planting a church in the city, which, until then, was the least evangelized and with the highest population growth in the Medellin Metropolitan Area.

Sabaneta has been recognized nationally and internationally as the city of “Our Lady of The Assassins”. The María Auxiliadora Catholic temple, located in the center of town, was the religious stronghold of criminals during the drug-trafficking era and is now one of the most visited churches in the country. El Redil del Sur is, to this day, the only church of Reformed tradition in the city. Our vision is to be a church that “teaches, advises and lives THE TRUTH in love to help people and their families put GOD in the center”.

Our church has had a significant growth in the number of attendees and members. For us it has been a surprise and a challenge because it is not usual for a church of Reformed tradition to grow at the rate that, by the grace of God, we have. Today we are an average of about 500 congregants, and an official membership of about 250 people. Along with me, three other full-time pastors and two lay elders serve. Eighteen months ago, we began planting a new church in Caldas, a city located about 20 kilometers from our current location.

Planting Family

My name is Jairo Suarez. I am 37 years old and have been married to Jennifer Alsina for 13 years, with whom I have two children: Martín, eight, and Juan Diego, six. My university training was at the Seminario Biblico de Colombia and then I received a master’s degree in Theological Studies from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, where I am currently studying for a Doctor of Ministry. Jennifer has had formal theological training and specific training in ​​Biblical Counseling. Although for her her main ministry is the home, as a committed believer she serves the church through counseling and discipling women. Martín and Juan Diego do Homeschooling, practice soccer and take drum and guitar classes.

Twelve years ago, the Lord called us to El Redil del Sur plantation. Together with another couple of Baptist missionaries, we started the work through the strategy of small groups and with evangelization activities in the area. Public meetings began in 2012.
As of me, in addition to pastoring the church in the company of other elders, I work in the training of pastors and churches in Biblical Counseling and Ecclesiology. It is part of our calling as a local church to help other congregations foster healthy ecclesiological practices and to strengthen them in one-to-one ministry through biblical counseling and discipleship.